In February 2015, Wellspring raised and donated funds to build and support the first and only Christian church in the village of Luende Nzangala in the Democratic Republic of Congo. Constructed of cement block and a metal roof, the building seats up to 400 people. The land was donated by the village chief, who accepted Christ along with many others during a gospel meeting there in 2013. Now the gospel is preached in Luende Nzangala every Sunday!
United States Mexico Sri Lanka India South Africa Papua New Guinea
Wellspring's goal and vision is to offer the living water of Jesus to everyone, especially the neediest people in our world. With an estimated 15-25 million orphaned and abandoned children in India, the need could not be greater there. We are currently working to establish local churches in remote villages in India, and orphanages in more populated cities. A small group from Wellspring was there in May 2015 and February 2016 to lay the physical and legal groundwork; in February 2017 we celebrated the grand opening of the first Wellspring Children's Home in Chennai, home to six precious little boys! While in India, small teams work to conduct evangelistic crusades, offering food and sharing the gospel in villages. They also hold ministry training sessions to equip Christian workers and spend time with the children in the Wellspring Children's Home. We are so thankful for the prayers and contributions of time and finances that help provide these essential physical and spiritual needs. Our goals for the future include establishing a home for little girls, and pledging a monthly amount of $2,000 per home for operating costs.
We completed a fundraiser to build three "Hope Houses" - family style homes for orphans and their caregivers in Vietnam through the ministry of the Southeast Asian Orphan Foundation (SEAOF). The houses each have approximately 350 square feet of living space, tile floors, tin roofs, stucco brick walls, and foundations above the flood-line due to the monsoon seasons where they are located. What a joy to be able to share the love of Jesus with these precious lives in a practical way!
"To give knowledge of salvation unto his people by the remission of their sins,
Through the tender mercy of our God; whereby the dayspring from on high hath visited us,
To give light to them that sit in darkness and in the shadow of death,
to guide our feet into the way of peace."
Wellspring Baptist Church also supports several full-time ministries in faraway places. We are honored to be a part of ongoing projects that share the gospel of Jesus Christ and make disciples across the globe! We pray and trust that as God grows us, our ability to share the life-giving gospel of Jesus will grow too.