Wedding Celebrations

It's such a joy to participate in the celebration of love - the marriage of a man and a woman, two becoming one!  We want all of our marriages here at Wellspring to be little glimpses of the great love of Christ and His church, working together with joy and unity!

A group of men from Wellspring take a trip out to Montana yearly for a week of hiking and fly fishing.  It is a great time of laughter, refreshment and spiritual growth!  

Here at Wellspring...

A few Wellspring girls got together to attend the True Woman weekend conference at the Indianapolis Convention Center and left feeling uplifted, challenged and closer in our relationships with Jesus and each other! You can listen to all the conference messages at

Men's Retreat in Montana

We never tire of seeing how God is working in the lives of His people!

Baptisms in the Pond

True Woman, Indianapolis, Indiana

Every time a believer is baptized is a special event here at Wellspring.  What a celebration of the new life we have through Jesus Christ - and it is for everyone, young and old!